Hannah is devoted to holding a safe space and supporting clients of all ages and backgrounds to restore a connection to inner emotional, physical, mental & spiritual health and wealth through the transformative power of intuition.

Welcome divine humans,


I wholeheartedly believe there is a reason that you feel, breathe, think & move the way you do.

As an Intuitive Wellness Guide I use my understanding of the human body, mind and soul, with my passion for living an adventure-filled life to empower you to show up, level up and embrace who you truly are.

In their own unique ways my one of a kind online portal The Wild Woman Gateway, group offerings & 1-on-1 Intuitive Guidance will allow you to make the body, heart, mind & soul connection you have been seeking.

This connection will empower you to unleash the wild woman archetype within while uncovering the most sensational & wildly authentic version of you.

Society may put us in boxes - we as wild women get to make the choice to step out of these boxes. It is time for us to break free from who we think we should be and start living as the women we were born to be while living the life we desire & deserve.

Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, reflection and heart-led adventures as you come home to your wild and wonderful self.

Read my story


 "I recently completed Hannah's signature course Sensational Self. The thing I enjoyed most was the journal prompts as I am going on my second spiritual retreat; The prompts helped me formulate clear ideas around what I want to gain with this experience. As a result of Sensational Self, I have been able to really cement who I am, what I am and where I am going in this life.  I really enjoyed all aspects of the course.

As I am a counsellor, I have been able to use the breathwork techniques with some of my clients which has been wonderful!  I would highly recommend Sensational Self to any woman who is going on a spiritual journey or a self-love/self-discovery journey, you will get so much out of the course, and I am sure you will have lots of “ah-ha” moments!  

Thank you Hannah and the ladies I went on this journey with."

Sensational S



Life is about the journey you take & the discoveries you make!

Receive musings, self-care protocols and whatever else is lighting up my life flying directly  to your inbox.
Tune in to hear about what I am teaching, what I am learning, what I am choosing to lean into and how I am following my passions to build a life of presence, possibility & pure potentiality. 
What is the bigger risk ... building walls or breaking them down? 
The time is here for us to break down the walls or barriers that have been holding us back for far too long.
While working together a safe space will be created where there will be laughter, there will be tears, there will be celebration, and by gosh there will be a whole lot of LOVE.
You will be unconditionally held & supported on your journey to embrace your wildness and live a life that is aligned and authentic for YOU!

Be Wise. Be Wild. Be Wonderful.

Resources for every stage of self-discovery or re-discovery.

1:1 Intuitive Guidance

Learn more ➝

Online Portal

Gain Wisdom here ➝

Private Sisterhood

Join Sisterhood ➝

Words from Wild Women about the Wild Woman Gateway